Sunday, September 25, 2011

blog entry #4

This picture is an example of angle because of how big her feet looks compared to her body which looks a lot smaller because of the way i postioned the camera.

This picture of my dog's toy is an example of simplicty because you get just a picture of just the toy and the ground but the main focus is the toy.

This picture is an example of lines because of every way the coins direction is in and the curve around the blue container and the lines going up and down on the clear container.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

blog entry 1

Technology is a wonderful thing! We use it for just about everything for math, school, sports, fun, and to see what your friends are up to. I am one of those people that are on Facebook just about every day. It is a great way to see what my friends are doing and now to see what their senior pictures look like. I just got an IPad for my birthday, over the summer break, and I am in love with it! It is easy use and fun to play with when I’m bored. I can remember back in grade school when we had the huge computers that needed two people to carry it, just because it was so big. When I was in 5th grade the got the computers that were the flat screen computers that were much nicer looking.

blog entry 2

A and M records vs. Napster
Summarize the situation. Based on what you know about copyright law and fair use, how is this person breaking the law exactly? What is the punishment? Do you think it is fair?
A&M records accused Napster of stealing of music and making possible for people to get without paying for it worldwide. They are all connecting to one server that sends it to another server more like as a circle. Also if the people do not buy it from the store or iTunes, and they are downloading music for free then it is stealing because the artist and everyone behind the music does not get paid. Napster had to only pay 26 million dollars. I personally do not think it’s fair because they are getting away to easily but also I do think it is fair only because everybody breaks copyright laws does rather they know it or not.

blog entry 3

1. Everything is our work except the music. It is ok to use it because it is in the public domain which means it is fair use.

2. a) Downloading music is wrong because now that i realize not all the money goes to the artists it makes me think twice now that i might be putting some one out of their job.
    b) Copyright laws sould defintely exsist because it keeps everybody's ideas safe. Also it reduces the amount of people who steal somebody's ideas
    c) It is so prevalent in our countrybecause everyone does it. Everyone illegaly downloads music knowing that is is illegal.

3) I guess it would depend on how they are using it. If they used it for a profit and they were profitting from it I would be pretty upset. If they were just using it for their homework i would be upset as well. But if they were just letting people listen to it then I do not think i would really care or not.