Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Andy warhol

1.       Open photo Photoshop.
2.       Duplicate background layer, click the layer called “Background” and drag it to this icon .
3.       Rename the layer photo.
4.       Create a new layer and name it background ( layer has to be white).
5.       Drag the background layer under the new photo layer.
6.       Delete the original background layer.
7.       Use the magic wand tool to delete the background of the picture.
8.       Then go to Image >> Adjustments >> Brightness/Contrast and adjust your photo until it becomes dramatic.
9.       The go to Filter >> Artistic >> Cutout.
10.   Then you have to adjust the levels (ctrl. + L).
11.   Then apply the cutout filter again.
12.   Save.
13.   Open up a new canvas click (ctrl. +  N).
14.   Name Warhol, preset photo 8 x 10, mode CMYK color, and contents white.
15.   Create a new set click this icon ( ) at the bottom of the layers window. Place the layer into set by click and dragging them into the set. Rename it frame 1.
16.   Create a new layer named bg1 make sure this layer is under the photo layer.
17.   Make guide lines and turn on the ruler by clicking the control button and the r button then pull them over and make sure they are even.
18.   On the bg1 layer make a rectangle.
19.   Then make the picture the size of that square with edit>>transform>>scale and hold down the shift key and adjust the photo.
20.   Then duplicate frame 1 set 3 times and rename each one frame 2, 3, and 4.
21.   Then move each photo while holding the shift key.
22.   Save.
 click where the arrows are and change the color you would like for each one.
24.   Then make a new layer name it pc under the photo.
25.   Then click select>>load selection.
26.   Then choose a the paint bucket and fill the picture.
27.   Change the mode to screen.
28.   Then adjust the hue and saturation until u like the picture.
29.   Then repeat steps 23-28 for each picture.