Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Andy warhol

1.       Open photo Photoshop.
2.       Duplicate background layer, click the layer called “Background” and drag it to this icon .
3.       Rename the layer photo.
4.       Create a new layer and name it background ( layer has to be white).
5.       Drag the background layer under the new photo layer.
6.       Delete the original background layer.
7.       Use the magic wand tool to delete the background of the picture.
8.       Then go to Image >> Adjustments >> Brightness/Contrast and adjust your photo until it becomes dramatic.
9.       The go to Filter >> Artistic >> Cutout.
10.   Then you have to adjust the levels (ctrl. + L).
11.   Then apply the cutout filter again.
12.   Save.
13.   Open up a new canvas click (ctrl. +  N).
14.   Name Warhol, preset photo 8 x 10, mode CMYK color, and contents white.
15.   Create a new set click this icon ( ) at the bottom of the layers window. Place the layer into set by click and dragging them into the set. Rename it frame 1.
16.   Create a new layer named bg1 make sure this layer is under the photo layer.
17.   Make guide lines and turn on the ruler by clicking the control button and the r button then pull them over and make sure they are even.
18.   On the bg1 layer make a rectangle.
19.   Then make the picture the size of that square with edit>>transform>>scale and hold down the shift key and adjust the photo.
20.   Then duplicate frame 1 set 3 times and rename each one frame 2, 3, and 4.
21.   Then move each photo while holding the shift key.
22.   Save.
 click where the arrows are and change the color you would like for each one.
24.   Then make a new layer name it pc under the photo.
25.   Then click select>>load selection.
26.   Then choose a the paint bucket and fill the picture.
27.   Change the mode to screen.
28.   Then adjust the hue and saturation until u like the picture.
29.   Then repeat steps 23-28 for each picture.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Blog Entry 8

I created this advertisement of Carl Casper’s Car Show for people to come see the Old Guys Car Club because the more attraction you get to your group the likeliness of your group to win is at a higher chance. The target audience is for people who go to car shows. I used the text tool to explain what was going on. I used the blur tool to get a gray color in between the black and white. I used a paint brush tool that looks like stars as an extra in the background. I used the crop tool to take some of the unnecessary white space that I did not need. I used the shadow tool to make the logo stand out more and on the stars to make them more 3D.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog Entry 7

My logo's purpose is for my dad's car club that he and a couple of friends get together and join as a group into Carl Casper's Car Show. My logo communicates the purpose by showing a picture of an old guy who is holding a cup of coffee standing by his "old car", usually the car is a classic and the car is not made any more in that particular style. I choose these colors because my dad usually wears dark clothing and a pair of jeans most of the time, and his "classic" car was red so that is why I choose these colors.

In my logo I used line to show where the car is stationed at. I used shape for the "old guy's" head, a circle. I used emphasis on the car where the lines of the car door, window, and head light is to make them stand out but still look like it is a part of the car. I used contrast by putting pink in the window because the car is red on red which means it is red on the inside and out and the pink resembles the red because when you look into a window at a certain distance it is not going to be the exact color it actually is.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Blog entry 6


I feel that my overall transformation went well. Although my face line was still visible so i had to use the smudge tool to make it more realistic.

My perspective of pictures in the magazines change because they can manipulate the image to where the body and or face can look absolutely perfect. It changes to where now I do not believe in what they are showing me as the front cover.

The perfect body image does not exsist. At least not in pictures anymore, there is too many to tools where you can change the picture to make you or whoever to look better.

I think what I did well was changing my eye color and putting my face image on the background face to make it look like one face.

One thing I need to improve on is using the make-up. Another thing is the eye make up as well.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

blog entry 5

Photoshop has a bunch of nifty tools that you are able to use that can make the appearance of your picture look better than it actually is. Some tools that are available are the spot healing tool, red eye tool, the color adjustment tool, the sharpening tool, and the cropping tool. Photoshop has many more tools as well but I did not use any of these tools in the pictures I used. In my collage these are some of the tools I used to make the picture better.
                In some of my pictures I used the spot healing tool. I used this tool because in the pictures I had taken people had blemishes on their face, and nobody like a blemish on their face, especially in a picture. I hate it when you take a picture of somebody and then after I take it they have red eyes, it makes the look demonic. Luckily Photoshop offers the red eye tool to where you can fix it to where the person or people in your picture or pictures do not have red eyes. In all my pictures I used the color adjustment tool. I used this tool because nobody has perfectly white teeth in my pictures. When using this tool you are able to make the appearance of your teeth a lot whiter than they actually are. In one of my pictures I used the sharpen tool because it was a little fuzzy. So when I used this particular tool it cleaned up the blurry edges a little bit. Finally I used the crop tool. I had to use the crop tool to cut out things that did not really have anything importance in the picture or I needed it crop it out because the picture was too big for the canvas.
                The top right hand picture depicts the photography element of balance because the picture wasn’t taken straight on. It was a bit of an angle. Another picture depicts framing because when you first look at it you notice Jenna and when you look at it a second time you notice the background. The background shows she is in class. Therefore the background is just as important as the focus.
Because of Photoshop we are able to make are pictures better. We are able to manipulate them to make them look better.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

blog entry #4

This picture is an example of angle because of how big her feet looks compared to her body which looks a lot smaller because of the way i postioned the camera.

This picture of my dog's toy is an example of simplicty because you get just a picture of just the toy and the ground but the main focus is the toy.

This picture is an example of lines because of every way the coins direction is in and the curve around the blue container and the lines going up and down on the clear container.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

blog entry 1

Technology is a wonderful thing! We use it for just about everything for math, school, sports, fun, and to see what your friends are up to. I am one of those people that are on Facebook just about every day. It is a great way to see what my friends are doing and now to see what their senior pictures look like. I just got an IPad for my birthday, over the summer break, and I am in love with it! It is easy use and fun to play with when I’m bored. I can remember back in grade school when we had the huge computers that needed two people to carry it, just because it was so big. When I was in 5th grade the got the computers that were the flat screen computers that were much nicer looking.

blog entry 2

A and M records vs. Napster
Summarize the situation. Based on what you know about copyright law and fair use, how is this person breaking the law exactly? What is the punishment? Do you think it is fair?
A&M records accused Napster of stealing of music and making possible for people to get without paying for it worldwide. They are all connecting to one server that sends it to another server more like as a circle. Also if the people do not buy it from the store or iTunes, and they are downloading music for free then it is stealing because the artist and everyone behind the music does not get paid. Napster had to only pay 26 million dollars. I personally do not think it’s fair because they are getting away to easily but also I do think it is fair only because everybody breaks copyright laws does rather they know it or not.

blog entry 3

1. Everything is our work except the music. It is ok to use it because it is in the public domain which means it is fair use.

2. a) Downloading music is wrong because now that i realize not all the money goes to the artists it makes me think twice now that i might be putting some one out of their job.
    b) Copyright laws sould defintely exsist because it keeps everybody's ideas safe. Also it reduces the amount of people who steal somebody's ideas
    c) It is so prevalent in our countrybecause everyone does it. Everyone illegaly downloads music knowing that is is illegal.

3) I guess it would depend on how they are using it. If they used it for a profit and they were profitting from it I would be pretty upset. If they were just using it for their homework i would be upset as well. But if they were just letting people listen to it then I do not think i would really care or not.